How do I know if my computer supports Taiwanese fonts contained on the web?

You may compare the following two passages, i.e. testing sample vs. correct version.

Your computer should support Taiwanese fonts if those passages match each other.

Otherwise, you should download and install software Taiwanese Package from

its official site listed below.


如何知道自己的電腦是否可讀TP (Taiwanese Package)台語字型?






Testing sample 測試版

Chia ê j„ lí nä lóng khòa°

tiõh chin chèng-siông, bô

loän-bé bô g³-chha, án-ne

lí tö bián chng TP n¡g-thé.

Nä bô, tö chhiá° an-chng.


Correct version 正確版


Here you may download software Taiwanese Package.
